Manisha Vupputuri Headshot

Manisha Vupputuri

Class of 2025

Prior to Ross, I was working at Ford Motor Company & Ford Credit. I was part of a rotational program and worked in many different areas including the cloud space, data integration, and most recently on a financial dashboard as a Technical Product Manager. While working at Ford, I was also heavily involved with volunteering with Women of Ford, Michigan Council for Women in Technology, and Society of Women Engineers on K-12 STEM Outreach in Detroit focused on underprivileged minorities and females in STEM. 

I decided to pursue an MBA to further expand my big-picture business knowledge and grow my leadership skills. I chose to come to Ross mainly for its collaborative culture, action-based learning experiences, and career opportunities in the Consulting and Tech fields. Not to mention the pay-it-forward mentality and enthusiastic Alumni network. (It didn’t hurt that I also went to undergrad here and enjoyed the experience and people.)

Feel free to reach out and ask me any questions from how classes are and what the general student experiences are like to what places to live in Ann Arbor or even about how the weather is like. Also, if you’re applying through the Consortium for Graduate Study in Management and have any questions about how it is to be a member hit me up. Or if you want to know more about International Invesment Fund. Hope to see you at Ross and Go Blue!