The Accounting Analytics Concentration bridges the gap between traditional accounting practices and cutting-edge analytics techniques, equipping Master of Accounting students with the knowledge and expertise required to excel in the digital age.
The Accounting Analytics Concentration empowers students to navigate vital aspects of business strategy, from big data management to data mining, customer analytics, and more.
To express interest or ask questions about the concentration, contact an academic advisor at [email protected].
In addition to completing the core accounting curriculum, 8.25 credits of approved coursework will replace elective study to complete the concentration:
- Complete at least three courses in Group 1: Core Electives
- Complete at least one course in Group 2: Analytics Electives
- Courses can be completed within the 30 credits needed to meet MAcc degree requirements
- Students are encouraged to add the concentration prior to the beginning of winter semester
TO 618: Applied Business Analytics and Decisions
MKT 618: Market Research Design and Analytics
TO 513: Spreadsheet Modeling and Apps
TO 515: Business App Development with Visual Basic for Excel
TO 566: Applied Regression and Data Analysis
TO 567: Data Mining and Applied Multivariate Analysis
TO 572: Applied Business Forecasting
TO 633: Artificial Intelligence for Business
MKT 608: Pricing Analytics and Strategy
MKT 626: Customer Analytics