Michael Huskey
Hello my name is Michael Huskey, and I'm currently pursuring my MBA through the weekend program. I have been working in automotive for the last 6 years in roles ranging from manufacturing and quality to now being a Software Product Manager for a Data Engineering team. I came into the program not really knowing what I wanted to be when I grew up, but I'm happy to say with only a few classes under my belt I am feeling more confident in next steps in my career. The Marketing and Corporate Strategy classes were able to take what was somewhat nebulous concepts to me and package them in a way that I feel I can apply them in a wide range of scenarios. Post graduation I am looking to find roles that allow me to combine my software expertise, business accumen, and love for sports. A very unique combiniation which is why I submitted a business idea to the Michigan Business Challenge, because sometimes you just have to make the role you want! Go Blue!