Mitch Pollock headshot

Mitch Pollock

Class of 2025

Before Ross, I worked as a software developer for a technology consultancy in Washington D.C., where I built Android and Web applications for corporate clients. I came to Ross for a lot of reasons: I wanted to pivot away from my technical role, expand my problem-solving skills in a business strategy context, explore my interests in real estate and urban development, and become a stronger leader. I was also itching to get back to the Midwest (I’m Cleveland, OH born and raised) and I found a community at Ross I could embrace and call home.

This summer, I interned with McKinsey in Cleveland, and I'll be continuing my career there after graduation as a general strategy consultant. At Ross, I’m involved in the Real Estate Fund, Detroit Initiative at Ross, Consulting Club, and the Outdoor Club; I was also an MTrek leader.

Feel free to reach out and we can chat about real estate at Ross, consulting recruiting, pivoting from a technical career, outdoor activities in Ann Arbor, the benefits of Midwest living, Skeeps, the Bus, MTrek, or anything else.