Natasha - Headshot

Natasha Narendra Gajria

Class of 2025

Before joining Ross, I began my career as a general physician. Subsequently, I transitioned to the healthcare payor sector, working with multiple insurance companies in the UAE and Canada. My responsibilities primarily involved customer-centric operations, including managing member approvals, cost containment, and claims processing. What I loved most about my job was that every day presented a unique challenge. I've thoroughly enjoyed serving people in a non-clinical capacity, advocating for their health, and assisting them in their greatest times of need. With a background in both the payor and provider spaces, I have always been intrigued by the cost of healthcare and how it can be made more affordable.

To deepen my understanding of making operations more efficient and growing a business organically, I decided to pursue my MBA. I chose Ross because of its action-based learning approach, which allows students to apply theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios, thus bridging the gap between classroom learning and practical application. The school's commitment to real-world consulting opportunities, particularly through their signature Multidisciplinary Action Projects (MAP), offers an unparalleled hands-on experience that equips students with the skills to tackle complex business challenges.

Ross's extensive and specialized resources for healthcare were also major factors in my decision. The school provides access to expert faculty and a broad array of elective courses tailored to the healthcare industry, which are crucial for anyone looking to make a significant impact in the healthcare sector. I was particularly drawn to Ross's culture, characterized by ambition and compassion. The collaborative environment fosters a sense of community and mutual support, encouraging students to strive for excellence while making meaningful contributions to society. This alignment with my personal values made Ross the perfect fit for me.

Additionally, the impressive Ross alumni network truly stood out. The strong sense of community among alumni, along with their willingness to support current students, provides an invaluable resource for mentorship, career guidance, and networking. Connecting with Ross alumni across different industries has already enriched my understanding of various career paths and opened doors to numerous opportunities.

Outside of school, I am a full-time mother to a wonderful toddler, and I love traveling and creating memories with her.

Feel free to chat with me about opportunities in healthcare or consulting, navigating an MBA as a full-time mother, or anything else under the sun.

Go Blue!!