Innovation in Global Health Delivery

Course Code
TO 563

1.5 hours
Graduate Standing, excluding OMBA

Innovation in Global Health Delivery: Strategies for Enhancing Growth and Improving Access in Emerging Markets --- New business models built around operational efficiency offer tremendous potential to improve people's health worldwide. This course will examine how innovations in business models, operations, financing and supply chains are allowing far more people to access better quality healthcare. The course draws extensively on real-world case studies and latest research in this field. Class sessions will feature thought leaders from the field of global health delivery and involve lively debates on important topics. Concepts and approaches from strategy, operations, finance, and supply chain management will be used to understand what determines success and failure of businesses that seek to provide healthcare to low income populations. While there will be a strong emphasis on global health, some of the concepts will be applicable more generally to product and service delivery in emerging markets. This course is divided into two modules: The first part of the course will focus on design of systems that ensure access to medicines, vaccines and other health technologies. The second part of the course will focus on design of systems for health service delivery. Specific learning objectives for this course are: - Develop an in-depth understanding of the key issues in designing and managing healthcare delivery (products and services) in emerging markets. - Understand the important role of operations and supply chain management in improving effectiveness and efficiency of healthcare delivery in emerging markets. - Ability to formulate strategies for market entry in the healthcare/life sciences sector in emerging markets. - Understand the role of product and process innovation in global health delivery (through practical examples and cases). - Understand factors that influence the adoption of new health technologies in emerging markets and operational strategies to speed up adoption. - Understand the roles played by different agencies in the provision of healthcare in emerging markets and understand the critical value of inter-agency coordination in this context. - Discover and understand high impact opportunities for social entrepreneurship and operational innovation to improve global health delivery.