International Investment Fund

Course Code
FIN 704

1.5 - 3 hours
GMBA or FTMBA or Eve MBA or MAcc or MSCM or Ross PhD or Rackham BusAd Mas or non-Ross Grad or MM or MBAN

International Investment Fund --- This experimental course is intimately linked to the creation of an International Investment Fund (IIF), which will involve (a) deep due diligence with the intent of financing Small-Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) worldwide; and (b) post-investment support. The geographical focus in the two experimental years is India, though this model is scalable. SMEs are a major driver of economic development and growth in developing nations. This will be the first fund created at Ross that will have a global focus. It can be viewed as a global version of the three successful funds at Ross, with the most overlap with the Social Venture Fund (SvF). As in the case of SvF, in the experimental years student teams will create a new International Investment Fund (IIF). The IIF will be created in collaboration with the William Davidson Institute (WDI) with a pilot focused in India. As highlighted in the Syllabus, course activities include education on investment strategy and cultural context for emerging markets, conducting due diligence on potential investments, and executing capacity building projects for portfolio companies.