Professional Integrity, Ethics, and the Law

Course Code
BL 309

3 hours
Sophomore, Junior, or Senior Standing

Professional Integrity, Ethics, and the Law --- In an increasingly complex and global business environment, ethical decision making, and legal knowledge form a crucial skill set for future business leaders. The ability to critically examine individual values, make ethically sound judgments, and persuade others of the importance of an ethical choice - and to do so under pressure - is an advantage during a career in any type of organization. Understanding the legal and regulatory frameworks that can aid or hinder ethical decision making and implementation is also an important asset for responsible businesspeople. The course provides students with the tools and analytical skills to spot and avoid ethical and legal risk and then to use their ethical reasoning and analysis skills to enable a fulfilling and successful career. The course first presents the theoretical background and justification for applying ethical frameworks to business action and related legal issues. Next, the course covers the nature of the ethical business and the role of the corporation in society and the legal and economic influences on decision making. Finally, the course examines the evolution of corporate social responsibility, environmental, social, and governance (ESG), ethics during crisis, ethical leadership by individuals and organizations, and international topics and multinational operations (such as cross-cultural ethics, supply chain issues, And multinational corruption). The course concludes with current topics in business ethics and law, such as sustainability and the just transition for workers, the challenges of how to address social issues, and the Future or Work with the increased use of AI and automation.