Check Out a Few of the Most Interesting Jobs Landed By Michigan Ross One-Year Master’s Grads this Year

The Michigan Ross Master of Management, Master of Supply Chain Management, and Master of Accounting Programs at the Ross School of Business combine a top-ranked specialized business education with extensive career development support.
As a result, graduates of the Michigan Ross programs continue to receive great jobs at many of the most sought-after companies and organizations around the world. This year, nine recent Ross graduates shared their thoughts on how their respective programs, and the greater Ross community, helped them land really cool jobs.
Jobs for MM grads
Every year, Michigan Ross Master of Management grads go into a wide variety of positions, which truly shows the versatility of the degree. A few that stood out from the Class of 2022 are below.
Lindsay Noah, MM ’22
Location: New York City
Position/company: Senior marketing analyst, American Express Co.
Undergraduate institution/major: University of California, Berkeley, sociology
“The MM Program provided a diverse course load that helped me discover my interests while also helping me develop a broad skill set. Additionally, one of the greatest resources for finding my role after graduating from the MM Program was guidance through the Career Development Office.”
Madeleine Delgado, MM ’22
Location: Chicago
Position: Juris doctor student, University of Chicago Law School
Undergraduate institution/major: University of Michigan, psychology
“The MM program gave me the breadth of business-relevant experience I was looking for entering the legal profession. It is my hope to work as an attorney in the full capacity of a business person with knowledge of finance, marketing, and accounting, which the MM program has set me up to be able to do.”
Daniela Mirell, MM ’22
Location: Los Angeles
Position/company: Strategic solutions coordinator, Los Angeles Chargers
Undergraduate institution/major: University of Michigan, communications
"The MM Program helped me understand business at the most fundamental level and gave me the confidence I needed to begin my professional career. Having never taken a single business class before, the MM Program provided me the opportunity to master basics and learn new skills, all while exploring my own areas of interest. Thank you to the MM team and Go Blue!”
Jobs for MSCM grads
As effective supply chain management increases in importance, the Michigan Ross Master of Supply Chain Management Program equips students with the skills and experience to be leaders in the space and take on jobs at top companies, such as the ones below.
Aditya Kapoor, MSCM ’22
Location: Cupertino, California
Position/company: Worldwide Supply Demand Management team, Apple Inc.
Undergraduate institution/major: A.C. Patil College of Engineering, electronics
"Applying to Ross was a conscious decision. Ever since I started studying supply chain management, I became almost obsessed with the words ‘supply chain’ and ‘big data’ — It made my heart beat faster. The comprehensive curriculum taught by distinguished Ross faculty and the action-based learning opportunities helped me see the bigger picture better than before. I got to uncover new interests, make connections of a lifetime, and secure the job of my dreams! Undoubtedly, my best career decision to date. Forever indebted to this life changing experience."
Sara Wujciak, MSCM ’22
Location: Portland, Oregon
Position/company: Asia - Pacific Latin - America Merchandise Financial Planning Manager, Nike Inc.
Undergraduate institution/major: Johns Hopkins University, applied engineering
“The MSCM Program equipped me with the knowledge and experience to be successful in a demand and supply management position at Nike. The core courses allowed me to develop end-to-end supply chain knowledge, while electives such as Applied Business Forecasting helped me develop specialized skills to contribute to Nike’s inventory planning.”
Jing Huang, MSCM ’22
Location: Los Angeles
Position/company: Business analyst, McKinsey & Co.
Undergraduate institution/major: Rutgers University, economics
“The MSCM program, as well as the entire Ross family, is a great community for harvesting my personal and career aspirations. Since the community is so integrated and diverse, I can always seek answers for my questions — no matter how difficult and how uncommon they are, from course selections to offer negotiations. I was able to acquire help from the Career Development Office, as well as BBA, MBA, and MM students, which definitely highlights the values of career development in the MSCM program.”
Jobs for MAcc grads
While the majority of students in the MAcc program take a more traditional path after the program, there are always some who go into non-public-accounting roles. Here are a few from the Class of 2022 who took a less conventional road.
Minlin Liao, MAcc ’22
Location: Chicago
Position/company: Accounting analyst of Google Cloud controllership, Google
Undergraduate institution/major: Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, accounting
“The most important thing that the MAcc Program gave me is connection. This program provided me with valuable opportunities for me to meet so many great people, and insights within the industry.”
Michelle Henderson, MAcc ’22
Location: Burbank, California
Job/company: Accounting and Finance Rotation Program analyst, The Walt Disney Co.
Undergraduate institution/major: California Polytechnic State University, accounting
“The MAcc Program provided me with the class credits and helpful knowledge that allowed me to confidently apply to The Walt Disney Co.’s Accounting and Finance Rotational Program. As a Ross student, I was able to utilize all the Career Development Office resources, which helped guide me as I began my career.”
Samuel Chang, MAcc ’22
Location: Chicago
Position/company: PhD student, University of Chicago Booth School of Business
Undergraduate institution/major: Western Kentucky University, actuarial sciences
“Entering a PhD program is a big commitment — five more years in school, several extensive papers, and a niche job market — but I know that I’m prepared for the PhD program because of the guidance and support of the MAcc faculty. They wrote 15 recommendations for me within a month of meeting me, spent hours with me imparting advice from their own PhD studies, and even put together an extensive, research-focused summer reading list for me. On top of the comprehensive CPA-oriented knowledge that the MAcc provides, there are also several research-related courses that introduced me to accounting standards and recent developments.”
A combination of the well-designed curriculum and faculty who are willing to go above and beyond, I am confident to say that the MAcc Program was excellent preparation for the research career on which I plan to embark.
Learn more about the Michigan Ross Master of Management Program
Learn more about the Michigan Ross Master of Supply Chain Management Program
Learn more about the Michigan Ross Master of Accounting