Michigan Ross One-Year Master’s Class of 2023 Earned Competitive Salary Offers From Top Hiring Companies

The newly released 2023 employment data for the Ross School of Business One-Year Master’s Programs highlights the success of the first graduating classes from the Master of Business Analytics Program, as well as the continued success of other OYM graduates across industries.
Master of Business Analytics Program saw early success, above average salary offers
The STEM-designated Master of Business Analytics Program, launched in 2022, saw very positive results in its first set of graduate employment data. Of the inaugural Class of 2023, 94% of reporting students accepted job offers within six months of graduation, and over half had already received an offer by graduation. Seventy percent opted to work in a data analytics or consulting function. Twenty-two percent of graduates also reported landing in a role with a social impact or sustainability component.
Graduates were hired at companies like Deloitte, Salesforce Inc., Procter & Gamble Co., GE Healthcare, and Capital One Financial Co., with a mean base salary of $84,000. Nearly half of reporting graduates also received a sign-on bonus.
“We are so proud of our inaugural Michigan Ross Master of Business Analytics class and the invaluable feedback they provided throughout their experience,” said Kaci Kegler, managing director of One-Year Master’s Programs. “Their determined effort with the support of the Career Development Office is clearly reflected in their employment statistics. Like this class, we know future cohorts will be high-impact change-makers in the field of analytics.”
Master of Business Analytics Employment Data
One-Year Master’s Programs as a whole gave graduates an advantage in the job market
Master of Supply Chain Management
The Michigan Ross MSCM employment data show that graduates found roles in highly-demanded industries like manufacturing and tech, with a majority of the Class of 2023 working in operations/logistics, consulting, and general management functions.
Nearly 90% of reporting graduates accepted job offers within six months of graduation and were hired at companies like Amazon.com Inc., Tesla Inc., Deloitte, Microsoft Corp., United Airlines Inc., and Novo Nordisk. The Class of 2023 found roles across the United States, and nearly 25% of the class landed jobs on the West Coast. Graduates earned a median salary of $106,000.
Master of Accounting
The Michigan Ross MAcc employment data show graduates accepted strong offers to highly desired and competitive employers. Of the Class of 2023, 81% of graduates were hired by a Big Four accounting firm — PricewaterhouseCoopers International Ltd., Deloitte, Ernst & Young Ltd., or KPMG International Ltd. — an increase from 77% in 2022.
Just over 98% of reporting graduates accepted a job offer within six months of graduation, and nine out of 10 students had already accepted an offer before graduating from the program. Most graduates (92%) used their degrees to work in the accounting field, with 47% working in audit accounting and 33% working in tax accounting. The Class of 2023 earned a mean salary of around $70,000, up 6.5% from the previous year.
Master of Management
The Michigan Ross MM employment data show that graduates utilized their business education to stand out in a variety of diverse industries and career paths. The Class of 2023 accepted offers in industries from tech to manufacturing and entertainment.
Of reporting graduates, 88% accepted an offer within six months of graduation and were hired at companies like The Walt Disney Co., Citi, General Motors Co., Amazon.com Inc., Wayfair Inc., and Domino’s. The Class of 2023 earned a mean salary of $70,000.
Graduates benefited from strong career support, Ross resources
The Michigan Ross One-Year Master’s Class of 2023 remained competitive in today’s job market by utilizing their strong foundational learning and a myriad of career resources offered by Michigan Ross, most notably the Career Development Office.
The Career Development Office provides career coaching to all OYM students, as well as resume workshops, interview training, networking events, and more. In the MAcc Program, a record-high 82% of the Class of 2023 was hired through school-facilitated recruiting.
“We are proud to see Michigan Ross One-Year Master's graduates continuously recognized as strong candidates by the world’s top employers every year,” said Heather Byrne, managing director of the Career Development Office. “At the Career Development Office, we work to assure that our students receive the one-on-one support they need from our team of professional coaches and employer relations staff to develop skills in order to land jobs with competitive salaries in their target areas.”