This Ross Alum is CEO of Trintech, One of America's Fastest-Growing Companies — We Asked Her 20 Questions

Trusted by more than 50 percent of the Fortune 100, Trintech is on the rise. Led by CEO Teresa Mackintosh, BBA ’94/MBA ’01, the multinational accounting software firm was named one of Dallas’ Best and Brightest Companies.
Mackintosh joined Trintech in 2016 as the CEO to drive growth, change, and a winning culture. She has spent over 25 years working in accounting, tax, and finance at companies worldwide.
Last year, she was recognized as one of the “Most Powerful Business Leaders in Dallas-Fort Worth” in D CEO’s Dallas 500, and she was an EY Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2018 award winner in the southwest region the year prior.
Mackintosh led Trintech to offer software free to companies around the globe since the onset of the pandemic, and they are currently working with dozens of organizations.
Upon learning that all of the conference rooms at Trintech headquarters are Michigan-themed, we knew that she would be the perfect candidate for our 20 questions.
Where is the most exotic or unexpected place you've seen a Michigan block M?
In my Dallas office, I am surrounded by vocal Aggies, Longhorns, etc. I made the executive decision (during a competitive NCAA tournament) to name all of our new conference rooms after things near and dear to my maize and blue heart: Wolverine, The Big House, Maize, Blue, Michigan, and Ann Arbor. I still smile as I enter any of them!
What's the most thrilling/adventurous thing you've ever done?
I'm generally game for a little adventure and marking significant milestones. I traveled to Switzerland for my 40th birthday and jumped off of a mountain (with a paraglider). It was amazing!
Who is your personal hero? And why?
My personal hero is my father. He was our county sheriff for 20 years and prior to that, he worked his way through the ranks of the police department, balancing undercover detective work and a second job to make ends meet. His integrity, work ethic, and courage to be more than anyone expected formed the foundation of my leadership ethos.
What was your first job?
My first job was as a pharmacy assistant in a small-town drug store. I learned how to read prescriptions and all of the abbreviations doctors use. I still remember them today and they come in handy!
Best business decision you've ever made?
The best business decision I have ever made was to leave a safe, publicly held company where I was on the fast track, to join a private equity-backed much smaller company as the CEO.
What is something on your bucket list?
To take my family to Australia, New Zealand, and Fiji for a couple of months – although after four months of working from home, even going to a neighboring state sounds exciting!
If you could pick up a new skill in an instant, what would it be?
Playing the guitar.
Business or charity you wish more people knew about?
Together We Rise, or other charities focused on children in the foster care system
First website you access in the morning?
Wall Street Journal.
Favorite Ann Arbor restaurant or bar? Why do you like it?
Pizza Bob's is my absolute favorite and I go every time I'm in AA. Chapatis are the best!
If you were a vending machine, what would you vend?
Gummy bears organized by flavor so that I can avoid flavors that I don't like.
What is one important thing your mother or father has taught you?
My father taught us to have a heart of service and leadership – those who can, should.
Three people, living or dead, you'd have over for dinner?
James Madison, Winston Churchill, and Michelle Obama.
Best trophy or award you've ever won?
I have been honored to win many accolades in my career, but I still think high school valedictorian is the best because I had to directly earn it.
Do you have a pet peeve?
Disorganized people.
What film has influenced you the most?
It's a Wonderful Life has influenced me the most because we all occasionally need a reminder of our impact on others.
Favorite quote to live by?
“Happiness is a choice.”
Must-have app on your phone?
Life360 to keep track of my teenager!
Most-cherished Ross experience?
I am fortunate to have attended Michigan for both my BBA and MBA and I have learned from so many amazing people.
One experience that really stands out to me was an MBA group project. A few weeks into the semester, one group member had a horrific personal tragedy and was out for the remainder of the year. The rest of our group finished our teammate's work and still put his name on the project, which was essentially the entire grade for the class.
Suspecting what we had done, the professor called a few of us in to ask us about the project. We maintained our stance that our teammate had done his share (which wasn't even remotely true). The professor knew that we were covering for our classmate and said "I knew that each of you was smart, but I'm happy to know that you are also kind."
I always think back on that day as a great example of the real lessons of leadership and life.
Favorite thing to binge-watch on Netflix?
Billions on Showtime.