Three Ways LDRx Made Us Better Leaders

Leader Experience (LDRx) is a student-led community sponsored by the Sanger Leadership Center that provides students with tools to reflect on their leadership experiences and take control of their personal development.
Members of the community meet once per week with a small group of 4-6 peers and utilize a flexible, discussion-based curriculum. Throughout the year, they advance the leadership development of their group by increasing self-knowledge, experimenting with new ways of leading, reflecting on results, and synthesizing learning.
We talked to LDRx’s three co-chairs to hear how they utilized the group to promote and celebrate the leadership development of their classmates and themselves.
“Through each LDRx module, participants and facilitators are encouraged to set experiments to develop growth areas. After reading articles, watching videos, and reflecting on my own experiences, I used the Sanger Leadership Journey experiment cycle to create hypotheses, test the new behavior, and gather feedback to achieve my goals.
Through the support of my group, I leaned into experiments that at once were intimidating and uncomfortable, and resulted in confidence and belief in myself. The first step is the hardest part, but once I added this cycle into my development, it was easier to create small wins. These small wins turned into larger wins in all areas of my life.”
– Allie Isaac, MBA ’23
“I didn’t come into Ross thinking about improving my leadership and what that concept even meant. At that point in my academic career I was overwhelmed with all of the opportunities that awaited me, so I knew of Sanger but I didn’t join anything at that time.
By the time I was a junior, I came back to campus after COVID-19 and I started seeing Sanger and LDRx more and wanted to be a part of a community of reflective individuals that were intentional in their leadership. However, what I didn’t know was the importance of vulnerability to become a better leader.
LDRx pushed me to be more open with myself and others which helped me form connections and really engage with the LDRx program. This past year, I have learned that instead of fearing vulnerability like I used to, I feel empowered by it and overall it has made me more open in all of my relationships.”
– Karyn King, BBA ’23
“Prior to Ross, I thought that there was just one persona of a “good leader.” I tried to fit myself into that box and continually fell short. When in leadership roles, I was self-conscious and unconfident. I started to shy away from them. When I got to Ross, however, I learned about the Michigan Model of Leadership and the Sanger Leadership Journey.
I learned that there are different ways to be a leader, and there are different types of leadership. Leadership is a skill one can develop. Most importantly, your leadership style can be authentic to you. LDRx gave me the resources, community, and structure to explore what leadership means to me.
I was vulnerable and I experimented. Now, I’m graduating from Ross more confident with my leadership values and my ability to flex among various leadership styles – and it all feels authentic to me.”
– Liz Krane, MBA ’23