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Welcome Weekend: Where Online Meets Real Life in Ann Arbor

Group photo of Michigan Ross Online MBA students gathered in the digital studio on campus.

One of the first things a second-year Online MBA classmate asked me was, “Are you going to Welcome Weekend?” I had no idea what it meant or what it was, as I had just started the program that January as part of the winter cohort. However, as she continued to explain how it set the foundation for her experience in the program, it became one of the main things I looked forward to as the year progressed. Eventually, I was able to experience it myself and truly understand my classmate’s enthusiasm for it.

Welcome Weekend wasn’t my first time in Ann Arbor, but the experience felt as though I were seeing the college town for the first time, almost like starting university all over again. There’s a saying among students in the OMBA Program: “When you’re all on campus together, it doesn’t feel like it’s the first time you’re meeting,” and that’s because you recognize familiar faces from seeing everyone online during class. I experienced this the moment I stepped off the plane at Detroit Metro Airport, when a classmate I had never interacted with before turned to me at the airport and asked, “Are you here for Welcome Weekend?”

Everyone gathered at the Ross School of Business reception on the first evening of the weekend, where new students, along with some participating in the Transformation Residency, had the opportunity to network and get to know each other. Professors from the program were also present, meeting in person the students they usually teach online. It was a bit overwhelming at first, but as the night went on, and with the realization that everyone was in the same boat, meeting in person for the first time, the evening became a key moment in forming lasting bonds.

After the first night of getting to know each other, the weekend's activities became much more enjoyable and engaging. We participated in various team-building exercises to strengthen our connections through outdoor activities offered by the University of Michigan’s Adventure Leadership program. We also received a full studio tour of the location where the magic of our online classes is created, led by Ivory Wright, senior broadcast producer in the Office of Digital Education, one of the key contributors to making our online experience so captivating.

Finally, the last major events of the weekend were a student-led OMBA tailgate and a Michigan football game at the Big House. It was the perfect way to close out a phenomenal weekend as we socialized with peers we had gotten to know and watched the Michigan Wolverines dominate the game in front of over 110,000 fans.

Welcome Weekend was not just an event; it was the beginning of a deeper connection to the Michigan Ross community. It set the tone for my journey in the program and emphasized the importance of coming together. I now fully understand my classmate’s excitement when she mentioned it at the beginning of the year, and I can’t wait to share that same passion with future cohorts as they embark on their own Ross journey.

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