I Will Keep Working Every Single Day to Break Down Stigma and Spread Joy

By Lexi Dubreuil, BBA ‘19
As President of the Mind Matters Mental Health Initiative, I recently hosted an event with five amazing speakers (outlined on the bottom of this post) called Head Talks.
Head Talks is a Ted-Talk style seminar on mindfulness, mental health and wellness, and positive psychology.
You can watch Head Talks 2018 here:
I wanted to raise awareness and explore various ways in which mindfulness, mental health, and positive psychology manifest in the workplace, classroom, and everyday life. Creating a space to have these conversations will help eliminate the stigma of mental illness. In addition, I want to provide tools and habits that everyone can try to use to enhance their mental wellness.
About 150 people attended the event, and afterward, I received an email in which a student told me, “I attended your event this evening and it was amazing. I was leery about what to expect but hearing the speakers talk about mental health was helpful. I loved that you have women of color there to present…After hearing tonight’s presenters [I am going to get] help.”
I had four attendees tell me that they started trying mindfulness exercises, especially breathing exercises, and it has helped them. As someone with anxiety who has benefited so much from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy — which highlights the importance of practicing mindfulness exercises — this makes me ecstatic, because I know first-hand how transformative it can be. I am beyond happy about the feedback I’ve received because this was my goal.
Without a doubt, I know that I will keep working every single day to break down this stigma and spread joy. ♥
Thanks to the other wonderful event curators who helped make this possible: Maddie Ross, Kali Smith, Allie Isabel, Liv Wujek, Grace Vankannel.
Click below to hear specific speeches from the event:
5:00 - Getting you Mind Tough: Lianne Lyne
20:40 - Happiness in the Age of Distraction: Afton Hassett
38:00 - Identity & Mental Health: Marna Clowney-Robinson
50:10 - Diet Culture & Mental Health: Traci Carson
1:11:10 - Brain, Ego, & Awareness: Brooke Buys