I Left My Home In Peru to Come With My Husband to Michigan Ross — It Was The Best Decision We’ve Ever Made

This is part of a series of blogs from the partners of Michigan Ross MBA students. From long-distance relationships, to finding a job in Ann Arbor, MBA partners share how they’ve experienced the Ross MBA program and how they make it work with their partners. Check out the full series.
By Lizier Novoa, MBA Partner
When we received the acceptance call from Michigan Ross, it caused a 360-degree about-face in our lives. We were planning our wedding. We had both just been promoted at work. And now: We have a big decision to make that comes with many mixed feelings.
Personally, I felt happy for my soon-to-be husband, who had been accepted to one of his first-choice MBA programs. But, on the other hand, he knew that I had to postpone my own professional plans because we agreed that being separated was not an option for us.
In addition, as a Peruvian who loves to spend time with my family, I was concerned about being so many miles away from my family and friends.
But, we ended up choosing Ross and as soon as we arrived in Ann Arbor we knew that was the best choice possible.

We found a city full of educated people, where they accepted and welcomed the foreigner. I found that anywhere I go (market, gym, etc.), people say “Hi” and even start conversations with you. That surprised me, since I was not used to receiving such kind treatment from people.
This warm welcome from the Ann Arbor community continued and deepened as soon as classes started and I got involved with the Partners Club at Ross.
During my first year, I applied as an Ambassador and helped the club promote the activities they organized, which also helped me meet partners from different countries and make new friends. I also discovered a local group called International Neighbors, which offers a variety of free classes for the international community in Ann Arbor such as cooking, baking, playing music, performing arts, etc.
These groups helped me make friends and definitely helped me feel more comfortable enjoying my time in Ann Arbor.
At the end of last year, I applied to the board of the Partners Club and I was elected as VP of International Integration. This was a great opportunity for me, since I wanted to contribute by leading new projects that could serve the international partners at Ross.
I wanted to help them in their own journey and transition from their cities around the world to Ann Arbor; and I wanted to build a supportive network of international students who can learn from and lean on each other to have a very productive and fulfilling time in Ann Arbor.
For instance, I knew how language can represent a real barrier for many international partners to build relationships here in the US, and I decided to approach the Michigan Language Center. I was very excited earlier this year to work on a partnership with them that will benefit all of our members by offering them a 15 percent discount on all of their English courses.
I feel happy because I know from my conversations with different international partners how useful it can be to have English lessons with a discount considering that many of us are not able to work. This benefit will last for future generations, and I am glad I am contributing to the international partners community.
As I write this today, we are already in our second year here in Ann Arbor. The months have passed very quickly, and I feel that together with my husband we made the best decision.
I do not regret that we left Peru, because in return I have lived many new experiences, learned a new culture, and met so many good new friends who I am sure will last forever. Go Blue!