To Move Or Not To Move — That Is The Question

This is part of a series of blogs from the partners of Michigan Ross MBA students. From long-distance relationships, to finding a job in Ann Arbor, MBA partners share how they’ve experienced the Ross MBA program and how they make it work with their partners. Check out the full series.
By Pedro Coracides, MBA Partner
On my final drive from Chicago to Ann Arbor, as luck would have it, I hit a mattress on I-94. First thought through my head? I really hope this isn’t a sign of things to come.
After calming down, making my husband drive an hour to meet me, calling a tow truck, and figuring out what to do with a mangle mess of coils and fabric — it got stuck underneath the car — I was finally on my way to becoming an Ann Arbor “townie.”
A little over one year later, I look back and believe moving was the best decision I made.
Should I move? Should I not move? If I don’t move, when will we see each other? What if I just quit my job and hope something works out? When my husband and I started this MBA journey at Michigan Ross, I found out that I wasn’t alone. A lot of other partners of students shared the same questions I had. For some, it was easy: they would pack up their home office and head to Ann Arbor. For others, the decision was a little harder.
After much deliberation, we initially decided I would stay in Chicago. Ann Arbor seemed close enough that we could make it work. A couple of Greyhound rides later, things weren’t feeling right. For me, Fridays were a day of work followed by a four-hour commute. Saturdays turned out to be great, especially with home football games. On Sundays, we quickly discovered my husband wasn’t able to spend much time with me as clubs, projects, and other meetings kept him busy. After a few weeks of trying the commuting thing out, we decided it was best for me to take a leap and move to Ann Arbor without a job.
As cliché as it may be, I turned to my network as I tried to find a job. I ended up landing a temp role at the U-M Health System, and that eventually lead to a permanent position — this is a common thing, so if you’re in a similar situation, keep that option in mind.
Today, I couldn’t be happier with my job! I am working on improving the experience for our patients and families, with a heavy focus on those that identify as LGBTQ. Looking back over the last year, we both feel fortunate as it as it has been an opportunity for us to reset.
Like your partner, you have an important decision to make. Maybe you’re looking for your own opportunity to reset and try something new! Maybe it’s a lot harder than that and you just can’t make up your mind. Moving for me was the right thing, but it took some trial and error (and, to be honest, lots of tears).
Also, don’t be afraid to ask for help. At Ross you’ll have a loving community of students, partners, and staff who are more than willing to share their thoughts or provide a lending hand.