Michigan Ross MBA Programs Ranked No. 5 for Entrepreneurship by Poets&Quants

The Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan’s MBA programs in entrepreneurship held strong at No. 5 in the 2025 Poets&Quants rankings. This prestigious recognition highlights the ongoing efforts of U-M's faculty and the Zell Lurie Institute for Entrepreneurship in building one of the world's leading entrepreneurial ecosystems, resulting in 69% of Michigan Ross MBA students having launched, interned, or consulted at a startup during the past academic year.
U-M's entrepreneurship offerings extend beyond the classroom. For over 25 years, the Zell Lurie Institute has served students and alumni across campus, helping them develop an entrepreneurial mindset through hands-on programs, mentorship, and funding. Last year, the Institute awarded $475,000 to full-time MBA students to support their ventures and startup careers.
Our ranking is a testament to our incredible network of mentors, staff, and faculty who support and lead our hard-working, talented U-M students to solve important problems and build innovative companies.
As interest in entrepreneurship and venture capital grows, so do the institute’s offerings. The Zell Lurie Institute for Entrepreneurship will open a new space within Michigan Ross early next year. Designed with students in mind, the new space will feature dedicated areas for collaboration and events.
“We are extremely proud of our impact on the entrepreneurial community and the continued success of our alumni. We empower students to start, launch, lead, and invest in important companies,” said Latterman.